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Why You Need An Eye Cream In Your Skin Care Routine?

What does eye cream do for the skin around the eyes to merit its addition to a skincare routine? The fact that such a product exists, to begin with, provides some clues to its relevance. Nevertheless, there will be questions and hesitations on using eye cream. Especially ones that are on the expensive side. It’s understandable if some people get the impression that they’re nothing more than gimmicks to get skin-conscious people to spend even more than they are doing so already.

First and foremost, it’s best to understand that taking good care of the general area of the skin is almost useless if the skin around the eyes doesn’t look equally as amazing. The contrast of dull, dark and wrinkly eyes against the smooth and fair skin of the face is just as unsightly as not doing any facial skin care regimen at all.

In addition to this, the skin covering the eyes is the thinnest area of the skin. This means that they are also extremely sensitive. Unfortunately, the eyes are where people usually look at when talking with another person. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to conclude that tired-looking eyes are going to be obvious to everyone else.

Is It Worth The Extra Cost?

To be fair, most people understand that taking extra care of the skin around the eyes is important. But most fail at their execution because they use general skin care products. As mentioned earlier, the skin around the eyes is thin and sensitive. At this point, it’s apparent that this particular area of the skin deserves its own line of skin care products.

The additional spending in buying a regular or luxury eye cream is a genuine concern. However, most of the time, they don’t really cost that much. It’s not even about the cost of an eye cream that might merit the decision to buy it or not. The long term benefits outweigh the usual price tag of eye creams in the market. Even ones that are enriched with luxurious ingredients.

Improve The Texture Of Eyelids

The texture of the skin is greatly affected by the amount of elastin and collagen it contains. These connective proteins are essential in giving the skin its elasticity and form, respectively. Having a healthy amount of these two greatly improves skin complexion.

Elastin can be likened to a rubber band that snaps back to its original shape when pulled. Collagen, on the other hand, is responsible for the actual shape of the skin itself. Collagen is responsible for holding the shape of practically every organ in the body as well. If anything, the analogy of these two working together is that of a chain link made alternately of thick rubber bands and metal bands.

Aside from providing the skin around the eyes with these two essential proteins, eye cream can also normalize the skin’s oil levels. Oil secretion is a natural defense of the skin. Too much of it is bad, too little is just as concerning. By using eye cream, the sebaceous glands in the eyelids can better determine an ideal threshold for oil secretion.

Doing Away With Wrinkles

Realistically speaking, it’s impossible to avoid wrinkles entirely. But that doesn’t mean one should give up hope of ever reducing their wrinkles. Especially ones that are found on the eyelids. Fine lines around the eyes can add years to a person’s overall look. A few wrinkles near the cleavage won’t have as much heft as fine lines on the eyelids.

Preventing wrinkles from appearing isn’t a futile effort. Sure, some wrinkles will show as time passes by. Or to be blunt, as one grows older. However, prevention does so much to mitigate the number of fine lines that inevitably appear due to age. Sticking to the best eye skin care routine can make one’s eyes look younger by more than two decades than they actually are.

Starting out early can optimize the aforementioned benefit in reducing the possible amount of wrinkles. But it’s still possible to deal with ones that appear regardless of a thorough skincare routine. Using eye serum in addition to regular eye cream use helps revert the damage done by wrinkles.

Protection From Elements And Makeup

The cause of wrinkles and dark spots aren’t always directly attributed to age. The body’s regenerative properties do slow down with age. But that doesn’t account for the entirety of the skin issues found in the older members of the population.

Exposure to the sun, for example, has profound, adverse effects on the skin. Especially the area around the eyes. Aside from the direct negative effects of the sun’s UVA and UVB rays, squinting from its glare encourages the formation of fine lines. Usually, it’s safe to put on a thin layer of sunscreen around the eyes. But most people are careless enough to forget to put on sunscreen in detail.

Using eye cream regularly helps significantly in reducing the potential damage of the sun. And it’s not just the sun that’s worth mentioning but also the torturous humidity and heat that cause stinging sensations to the skin.

A reputable eye cream can also provide the area around the eyes with sufficient moisturization. Moisturization provides better protection when putting on makeup. Putting on makeup isn’t inherently bad for the skin. But bad habits like forgetting to wash them off before going to bed can cause caking. This inadvertently stresses the thin layer of skin of the eyelids.

Important Consideration

It’s never enough to stress the sensitivity of the skin around the eyes. Because of this, it’s not only the habit of using an eye cream that one has to practice. But also the fact that they should opt for products from reliable manufacturers.

One should buy brands and variants made of natural ingredients. If it’s a fast acting skin care product like an eye serum, it’s even more critical to pick a natural option. Fast acting products have active ingredients added. Going for natural active ingredients spares the eyelids from the detrimental effects of synthetic chemicals.

Want to experience Gold Elements’ eye creams and serums for half the cost? Join our newsletter for a half off coupon, usable only once!


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