When it comes to standard anti-aging routines, eye skin care has a huge part to play. As a matter of fact, eye care sits up there with sunscreen and moisturizers. When used perfectly, eye serums and eye creams can have the desired effect for your skin. Hence, the usually small-sized skin care products should never be overlooked. They are proven to protect, nourish and preserve your skin’s youthful appearance. For the reasons we are going to discuss below, the role of eye skin care in anti-aging cannot be underestimated.
Eye Skin Care Essentials You Should Know
The Eye Skin Area is Delicate
The skin around and under the eye is one of the most delicate in the body. The eye area also experiences a lot of stress and movement in relation to the rest of the face. All that blinking, squinting, winking and wincing eventually wears down the skin around the eyes. This accelerates the common signs of aging like wrinkles and crow’s feet.
For those reasons, the eye area is the most vulnerable to the more aggressive signs of aging.
Luckily, quality anti-aging eye creams, serums and treatment formulas help bring back the moisture to the eye skin area. The moisture and ingredients help nourish this delicate eye area and tighten the skin. What you get is a desired youthful look that fights premature aging.
Eye Skin is Prone to Dryness
Being as sensitive as it is, the eye skin area experiences dryness now and then. This is down to the fact that oil-producing glands are more concentrated in other areas of the body. The shortage of natural oil (sebum) in this area is a dryness culprit. This leaves it up to you to manually apply a moisturizer to ease damage that may arise due to dryness. You can achieve this by using hydrating, anti-aging skin care solutions. For best results, use quality eye creams with hyaluronic acid as an ingredient. When this sensitive area is taken care of, the role of eye skin care in anti-aging is, therefore, clear to see. However, not every product will cut it. Make sure to include only quality products to ward off fine lines, wrinkles and crow’s feet as efficiently as possible.
Prone to Puffiness and Dark Circles
Your sensitive eye area sometimes looks tired due to puffiness or dark circles. Eye cream, in this case, can help minimize the dull appearance of these unwanted aging signs. Dark circles and puffy eyes can be caused by many factors. In many cases, there is little you can do about them. To realize the role of eye skin care in anti-aging, you must find a way to get rid of these puffy eyes. Fortunately, you will come across eye creams formulated for the purpose of getting rid of puffy eyes and dark circles. These products work by brightening the appearance of eyes to minimize the darkness. The most common ingredients to look out for include caffeine or vitamin C.
Lifestyle Choices Matter
Overdrinking, taking drugs, making bad product choices and lack of rest are just some of the bad choices you can make to ruin your skin. According to ShareCare, daily lifestyle and skin health are perfectly linked. Some lifestyle habits contribute to premature skin aging and result in unhealthy skin.
You can do more than just using eye skin care products in your anti-aging regimen. The right lifestyle choices help cement the important role of eye skin care in anti-aging plans.
So How to Take Care of Your Eyes?
There are a few sure ways you can go about taking care of your eye skin area. To achieve your goals, you are well-advised to include them in your overall beauty routine. Due to the delicate nature of your eye skin area, giving it extra care and attention is paramount. Shockingly enough, many people don’t realize the role of eye skin care in anti-aging. Hence, they end up ignoring this sensitive area only to frown upon their wrinkles later on. To keep your eyes youthful, radiant and glowing, make sure to follow these important steps.
Get Enough Sleep
Like we discussed earlier, good sleep means you wake up refreshed and well-rested. Sleeping is one of the most important factors for a healthy, physical and mental state. When it comes to your skin care, sleep plays an important role in keeping your eyes revitalized. Sleep allows your eyes to rest, recover and stay in shape. One way to avoid puffy eyes is sleeping soundly in a silk mask or silk pillowcase. Compared to other fabrics that may be rough on your fragile skin, silk is rather gentle and smooth. The twisting and turning in rough fabrics only worsens or forms new lines and wrinkles. Sleeping comfortably helps you wake up refreshed with a well-rested face. Lack of adequate sleep on the other end causes your eyes to be dull, puffy and lifeless.
Eat Healthy Foods and Drink Plenty of Water
Anything you eat or drink ends up defining your skin and consequently, how you look. To ensure you have flawless looking skin, eat well and drink plenty of water. The importance of eye skin care in anti-aging is further seen with healthy eating habits.
A healthy diet should include a daily dose of fresh fruits and vegetables. More importantly, make sure you drink the required eight glasses of water per day to hydrate your body from the inside. All this healthy eating and drinking is meant to help increase the elasticity of your skin. Of course, this includes the skin underneath your eyes as well.
Always Cleanse Regularly
Cleaning the face helps get rid of dirt, dust, and debris trapped in the pores of your skin. Clear skin is just a start in the pivotal role of eye skin care in anti-aging. For some optimum results, I recommend the Gold Elements premium cleansing products to ensure that your skin is clean and clear at all times. More specifically, make use of the Intensive Cleanse Complete Set for a thoroughly fresh feeling. This set has everything you need to clean your face before applying the best eye cream and serums.
Break Away from Skin-damaging Habits
Two of the most notorious skin-damaging habits include constantly smoking alcohol and smoking. These habits are historically known to be harmful to the skin. First, they deprive the skin cells of the nutrients they need to stay healthy, nourished and moisturized. This is largely because drinking alcohol and smoking dries up your skin. If you are looking for beautiful and youthful-looking skin, you have to make an important choice. Bad habits only ruin the role of eye skin care in anti-aging.
Avoid Sunburn
For a perfect, wrinkle-free skin, you will have to avoid sun exposure. You have probably heard that the harmful UV rays from the sun are capable of damaging your skin. Sun rays are known to weaken the skin which accelerates aging signs like wrinkles and sags.
The rays strip your skin’s natural moisture causing wrinkles in the process. If you must step out in the sun, wear sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Alternatively, wear sunglasses and or wide-brimmed hats while outdoors to protect the eyes. Thus, sunglasses and hats can help you avoid the harmful rays by deflecting them and providing shade.
Use Quality Eye Cream and Serum
Making great product choices assures you of beautiful, wrinkle-free skin. Eye creams and serums at their best help complement the role of eye skin care in anti-aging plans.
Gold Elements store has a wide collection of luxury skin care products for your eyes, face, and body as well. Their eye creams and serums make sure that your face, especially the delicate eye area, remain beautiful and youthful, just like how it is supposed to be.
Bottom Line
Remember it takes more than just a few days to get lasting results from your beauty regimen. Taking care of your skin should be an ongoing process that requires your commitment. Caring for the skin, under the eyes or otherwise, is actually a continuous journey. So, never let up because your skin is alive and keeps changing with time and other factors. At the very least, your skin deserves regular nourishment to keep it healthy, smooth, and supple. With this information, you can give your skin the treatment that it truly deserves.